
Membership Grades and Levels of the International Society for Coaching Psychology

Fellowship shall be awarded to those persons who in the opinion of the Council merit such recognition due to their outstanding contribution to the theory and/or practice of coaching psychology and/or to the Company, or who are otherwise considered suitable. Fellowships shall be awarded at the invitation of the Council. The award of Fellowship shall be made by resolution of the Council. A Fellow shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters FISCP. If a Fellow is an Accredited or Certified Coaching Psychologist, he/she shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters FISCP Accred. The Council may in its absolute discretion award an Honorary Fellowship and the recipient thereof shall be entitled to use the letters FISCP (Hon).

Associate Fellows shall be Accredited or Certified members of the Society for a minimum period of 5 years. An Associate Fellow shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters AFISCP.

Accredited Members or Certified Members* shall be persons who hold a recognised degree in psychology and a coaching psychology qualification and/or by virtue of their recognised degree in psychology, experience and continuing professional development, satisfy the Council that they possess and understanding of the principles of coaching psychology and are competent to undertake its practice. An Accredited Member or Certified Member shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters MISCP Accred and to describe themselves as an Accredited or Certified Coaching Psychologist or such other designation as the Council may from time to time approve.

Members shall be persons who hold a recognised degree in psychology and are qualified psychologists or hold an equivalent professional status with a recognised National Register for psychologists in their state or country. A Member shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters MISCP.

Associate Members shall be persons who hold a recognised degree in psychology. An Associate Member shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters AssocMISCP.

Corporate Members shall be organisations or groups engaged in or associated with coaching psychology, provided that where such organisation, professional body or group is not a corporate body having legal identity independent of its members, it may by resolution of its governing body nominate an individual to hold membership of the Company on its behalf and may from time to time in like manner remove and replace its nominated representative. Corporate Members shall be entitled to all the ordinary facilities of the Company.

Honorary Life Membership and Honorary Life Fellowship may be bestowed upon such persons as the Council deems fit in its absolute discretion.

Retired Membership may be bestowed upon such persons as the Council deems fit in its absolute discretion.

Affiliate Members shall be individuals of good standing with a general interest in coaching psychology or students attending psychology course as the Council may deem fit to admit to Affiliate Membership. Affiliate Members shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Company, nor use post-nominal letters, nor describe themselves as coaching psychologists unless appropriately qualified.

Professional Organisational Members shall be professional bodies engaged in or associated with psychology or coaching psychology, provided that where such professional body is not a corporate body having legal identity independent of its members, it may by resolution of its governing body nominate an individual to hold membership of the Company on its behalf and may from time to time in like manner remove and replace its nominated representative. At the absolute discretion of the Council their members may be entitled to Affiliate Membership and other benefits of the Society.

Friends of the Society’s Social Network shall be individuals with a general interest in coaching psychology. Friends of the Society’s Social Network shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Company, nor use post-nominal letters, nor describe themselves as coaching psychologists unless appropriately qualified.

*ISCP Accreditation is not a license to practise in any particular country. Each country may have its requirements for the registration of psychologists and coaching psychologists. The use of the term ‘psychologist’ may be regulated by law. National professional bodies may also restrict how their members describe themselves.

Entry criteria for the grades of membership in clauses above can be revised by The Council. Grades of membership may only be made available at a time considered appropriate by The Council. The Council can decide to suspend a grade of membership as and when necessary.

No individual member, corporate member, group or branch shall take any public action or make any public announcement in the name of the Society or otherwise do anything directly or indirectly to represent that any proposal, action or statement of fact or opinion has the approval of the Society; the Council alone may make announcements and publications in the name of the Society. However, nominated officers may speak on behalf of or represent the Society where appropriate.