Continuing Professional Development/Education
Undertaking Continuing Professional Development (CPD), also known in some countries as Continuing Professional Education (CPE), is recommended by the Society. Full Members (MISCP) of the Society are actively encouraged to undertake 40 hours of CPD/CPE each year.
Continuing Professional Development and Education provides both the public and organisations employing coaching psychologists a greater confidence in the professional services being provided. It demonstrates the commitment to maintaining and learning new skills and updating knowledge.
Qualified Psychologists wishing to work towards the International Society for Coaching Psychology accreditation or certification process will need to provide evidence of a minimum of 40 hours annual CPD/CPE and this will be mandatory in order to achieve and maintain ISCP accredited or certified coaching psychologist status. They will also need to have regular supervision/consultation of their coaching and coaching psychology practice from a qualified psychologist.
Of these 40 hours of psychology related annual CPD/CPE, a minimum is of 30 hours should be undertaken specifically relating to coaching psychology. Please note, these activities should also reflect coaching psychology and not coaching.