Supervisor Accreditation

Accreditation/Certification Process for Coaching Psychology Supervisors

The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) has developed an accreditation/certification process for Coaching Psychology Supervisors. This is offered to members of the Society who hold MISCPAccred status.



The following sets out the mandatory requirements of the accreditation/certification system for Coaching Psychology Supervisors.

MISCPAccred Status
Evidence of a minimum of two years practice as a Coaching Psychology Supervisor (during the last five year period). To be evidenced by professional references from two qualified psychologists who are able to provide an opinion regarding your work in this area.  At least one referee to have MISCP membership status of the Society.

Examples of work that a Coaching Psychology Supervisor might undertake include: Supervising others in their coaching psychology/coaching/mentoring practice; Co-supervision; Peer-Supervision; Supervising others during coaching psychology/coach training activities; Academic supervision; and Research supervision.

Please email us for an application form or click here to download.