CPI Abstracting and Indexing

Coaching Psychology International, Abstracting, Indexing and Lists

Coaching Psychology International is abstracted, indexed and/or listed in a number of databases or systems.

PsycEXTRA is a database compiled by the American Psychological Association.  It includes scholarly content that is published outside of peer-reviewed sources. It is a bibliographic and full-text database of content from a variety of highly regarded sources in psychology, behavioral sciences, and health. PsycEXTRA was launched in 2004. Coaching Psychology International is abstracted in PsycEXTRA.

The Academic Resource Index, ResearchBib Database is the largest complete journal database available on the ResearchBibinternet freely. The Journal Database try to cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and it will not be limited to particular languages or subject areas. The aim of Journal Database is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The Journal Database contains 420,000+ journals from different publishers, which includes the title, abbreviation, journal host url, index, publisher, description (aims and scope), online ISSN and print ISSN. The Coaching Psychology International is listed on the  Academic Resource Index.

SocioWebThe SocioWeb is a Guide to Sociology and Sociological Research.

Coaching Psychology International is listed on SocioWeb.


Psychology WikiThe Coaching Psychology International is listed in Psychology Wiki which is a resource for psychologists. It has over 90,000 visitors per week in term time and currently has 79,399 pages and 34,330 articles.

The NWS Directory of Journals (NWS DoJ) is an online directory compiled by the National Wellbeing Service (NWS) that indexes journals. The Journal information includes the description, journal abbreviation, journal homepage link and ISSN. Coaching Psychology International is listed in the NWS DoJ.